The Most Chilled States in Australia

most chilled states australia

Travel is all about ‘good vibes’ and relaxing. For some of us, relaxation means a break from the stresses of modern day life, but not every state is built for peace of mind. So where can Aussie’s catch a break?

Vaporizers Direct  has discovered which Australian states are the most chilled and which are the least. Some of the most relaxed states in this list are go-to destinations, while others might not have even been on your radar. So if you’re looking to relocate or just planning your next rejuvenating getaway, we will inspire your next adventure.

How stressed out is your state?

Using TensiStrength, a stress and relaxation detection tool, we analysed 5 million tweets to discover which state is the most relaxed. Looking at 100,000 tweets per state and comparing all 8 states across these indicators of stress and relaxation, have ranked the ‘most chilled’ states and the ‘least chilled’.

Tourist trap and busy hub Sydney was never expected to be the most chill area, which rang true when New South Wales ranked very low, coming in second from last in relaxation. Victoria finished first as the most chilled state with 26.62% of tweets including relaxing words and phrases. Closely followed by Tasmania with 25.75% and Queensland, home of The Great Barrier Reef, at 24.93%.

most chilled states



Vaporizers Direct  scraped twitter and analysed 100,000 tweets from each state. We then ran them through TensiStrength to determine the strength of stress and relaxation. TensiStrength estimates the strength of stress and relaxation expressed in short texts - including informal language. It has a human-level accuracy which gives a fair judgement to small texts. The scoring reports 2 strengths; -1 (no stress) to -5 (very high stress) and 1 (no relaxation) to 5 (highly relaxed).